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FAQ Analytiсs

The FAQ section contains the answers to frequently asked questions.

What is Analytics?

Analytics is a software module for video analytics. Video analytics is a technology for obtaining various data from surveillance cameras or archive recordings using computer vision methods.

You can find more information about Analytics on the Introduction to Analytics page, in the Analytics Architecture, and Types of Analytics subsections.

What does Analytics consist of?

The following components are required for the correct Analytics operation:

  • An Analytics orchestrator. It is a service that manages analytics workers and distributes among them requests to process video streams.

  • A push server. It is an Analytics component, a messages broker, that is used for communication of the Analytics elements.

  • A vectorize service. It is a servcie that converts images of objects (faces, silhouettes, automobiles) into vectors for further matching process.

  • An Analytics worker. It is a service that receives requests to process audio and video streams, captures and processes them, and generates analytics events.

  • ClickHouse. It is a column-oriented database management system for storage, dispaly, and filtering of Analytics events.

We recommend using the VSaaS products – VMS and Mediaserver – for a user web interface and a media server.

More information about the Analytics architecture is on the Analytics Architecture page.

Which VSaaS components does Analytics work with?

Analytics works with components such as VMS and Mediaserver.


Center of management for orchestrating all components of the video surveillance system, ensuring performance monitoring and interaction with other products of the VSaaS platform.


  • Has a simple administration interface

  • Possible integration with customer systems

  • Supports up-to-date interfaces, web client, mobile applications, and desktop client

You can find more information about VMS on the VMS page.


  • High-performance video-audio-data processing server, either as a standalone product or as part of the VSaaS platform

  • Receives video and data streams from cameras and devices, processes them, archives them, and delivers them to users in selected formats

You can find more information about Mediaserver on the Mediaserver page.

What types of Analytics exist?

Currently, the following types of Analytics are available:

  • Face recognition is a tool for automatically locating a human face in a video stream and identifying the person based on a standard model of the resource in existing databases.

  • Counting objects in an area is a tool to automatically locate and accurately count the number of people in a designated area of a video stream.

  • Motion detection is a tool for automatically locating motion in a designated area of a video stream.

  • License plate recognition is a tool for automatically locating the license plate of a vehicle in a video stream and identifying it based on the resource in existing databases.

  • Visitor counting is a tool for automatically locating and accurately counting the number of people who have passed through a designated area or entrance over a certain period of time.

  • Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection is a tool for automatically locating and detecting camera damage, obstruction, or vandalism in a video stream.

  • Loud sound detection is a tool for automatically detecting loud sound phenomena using the microphone of a video camera.

  • Smoke and fire detection is a tool for automatically locating and detecting smoke and open flames in a designated area of a video stream.

  • Line crossing detection is a tool for automatically locating and determining the fact of crossing a designated line in a video stream.

  • Container number recognition is a tool to automatically recognize vertical and horizontal numbers of cargo containers.

More information on types of Analytics is on the Types of Analytics page.


There are several types of licenses for the Analytics product. More information on licensing can be found on the Licensing Analytics page.

How to install and configure Analytics?

You can find a detailed Analytics installation guide on the Install Analytics documentation page.

The First run and configurations page provides detailed instructions for the first run.

The Administrator guide page provides a complete guide on how to use the Administrator client.

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