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System events

On this page:

System events include:

  • High-quality stream is active

  • High-quality stream is inactive

  • Low-quality stream is active

  • Low-quality stream is inactive

  • Stream is active

  • Stream is inactive

Each event row contains the following information:

  • Event name

  • Camera name

  • Camera location

  • Date and time of event creation

System events

Viewing an event

To view the archive at the time of an event, open the list of system events and click on the camera's name.

This will lead to playback of the archive directly at the time of the event.

Opening on a layout

There is an option to simultaneously view multiple archives at the time of an event.

To do this, select multiple rows in the list of system events and click Open on layout.

Event selection

You can choose up to six events.

This will take you to the page for viewing the archives of the corresponding cameras at the time of the selected events.

Viewing events on the layout

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