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System Settings

The section includes two subsections.

Access rights settings

In this subsection, the following settings are configured:

  • Editing the session count (the number of users who can simultaneously log in to client applications and interfaces) for different types of users/user groups.

  • Access rights configuration:

    • For users in Group 1 (e.g. Legal Entity type).

    • For users in Group 2 (e.g. Individual type).

  • Action logging configuration:

    • Users

    • Sub users

    • Temporary users

Access rights settings

Each setting is saved separately.

Access rights settings are assigned by default to new users upon their first login. Subsequently, access is personalized in the user's profile.

An option to enable Captcha Display on the client's authorization page is provided. When this setting is enabled, users will need to enter an alphanumeric code on the authorization page in the web client and mobile applications.

Entering a code during authorization in the web client

The code consists of uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet (excluding the letter "O") and digits from 1 to 9.

In this subsection, the following settings are configured:

  • Placement of a link for accessing the system performance monitoring page. If an active link is present in the navigation menu, the Monitoring item will be displayed (provided the user has the necessary system access rights).

  • Placement of links to mobile applications with the VMS user interface in application stores. If active links are present on the login page, a download button will be displayed in the corresponding application store:

    • Google play for Android devices.

    • App Store for iOS devices.

    • App Gallery for Huawei devices running Android.


To add a link, enter the desired URL in the corresponding field. If necessary, verify the correctness of the link by clicking the Link button. This will open a new browser tab and navigate to the specified link.

To save the link, click Save below the corresponding link.

To activate links, set the corresponding switches to the On position. To deactivate them, set the switches to the Off position accordingly.

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