WidgetApi. Android
Api to get information from server for device widgets.
Get list of cameras
Get the list of detailed information about cameras of given ids.
If request was successful you'll get the list of VMSCamera
suspend fun getWidgetCameras(@Query(IDS_ARRAY) shows: ArrayList<Int>): ArrayList<VMSCamera>
Get camera preview
Get camera preview. You will receive .mp4 file of camera one frame.
If request was successful you'll get url to download frame.
suspend fun getCamerasPreview(
@Path(ID) id: String,
@Query(DATE) date: String? = null
): VMSUrlPreviewResponse
Get list of intercoms
Get the list of detailed information about intercoms of given ids.
If request was successful you'll get the list of VMSIntercom
suspend fun getWidgetIntercoms(@Query(IDS_ARRAY) shows: ArrayList<Int>): ArrayList<VMSIntercom>