Visitors (Android, iOS)
On the Visitors tab, the mobile app user can easily manage access to premises. Here, they can add up to 5 (five) visitors and generate a temporary intercom codes for them. This code can be shared with the visitor so they open the door by themselves.
The following tools to manage visitors are available to the user:

The Visitors tab
View the list of visitors and their codes
The Visitors tab lists all the visitors added by the user. For each visitor, the following information is provided:
A visitor name.
A unique code to unlock the door.
The duration period during which this code is active.
The time after which the visitor will be removed because of the code expiration. Note, that visitor is deleted 24 hours after their code becomes invalid.
The code validity can’t be extended.
Additional management options for the intercom
Additional intercom controls are available to the user on the Events tab.
Tapping the Camera icon will navigate to the intercom camera player. For details, see the Open an intercom camera article.
Tapping the context menu icon (⋮) at the top right, will open the tab with the following management options: