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Layout panel. Archive/DVR

The layout panel is designed to switch between layouts that are open in the application workspace.

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The layout panel

If a layout is open on another monitor or in a separate window, it is not displayed in the layout panel.

There are program settings for working with layouts:

  • Editing the maximum number of open layouts.

  • Enable/disable automatic loading of layouts and undocked windows when entering the application.

  • Enable/disable automatic transition to full screen mode when opening a layout in a separate window or on another monitor.

  • Enable/disable minimization of all individual windows on all monitors when minimizing the main application window.

  • Enable/disable display of layouts in the main application window when closing individual windows. If the setting is disabled, then after closing the separate window, the layout will again be displayed in the panel in the work area.

A description of creating and setting up layouts is given in the List of layouts. Search, add, edit section.

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