Settings (Android, iOS)
In the Settings section, the mobile app user can find the tools to personalize the app. Here, they can manage the vibration settings, change the app interface language and the theme, set up internet and video settings to control mobile app data, and optimize video viewing.
The Settings section consists of the following subsections:
Internet and video settings

The Settings tab
To manage the vibration settings for the mobile app, drag the toggle.
To change the mobile app interface language, tap Language. From the opened tab, select a language and Save changes. As a result, the interface language will be automatically changed.
In the Theme section, you can select a theme for your mobile app from the following list:
To change a theme, tap the relevant one and Save changes. The selected settings will be automatically applied.
Internet and video settings
Under Internet, you select which network to use to view video:
Using any network. This setting enables the use of Wi-Fi and mobile network. A fee may be charged by your operator.
Ask me when mobile internet connection is used. Setting this option, you’ll be prompted each time to confirm use of the mobile connection.
Under Video quality, you select the video quality that will be automatically applied to the camera player when video is open in Live mode. The options are: High quality (HD) and Standard quality (SD).