The Events tab. The Administrator client
The Events tab displays the events of the current intercom:
The intercom status changes.
Users actions with regard to the current intercom.
The Analytics events.
To view the corresponding type of events, select a relevant tab.
The Events tab
The Events from device tab
The Events from device tab displays the system events. You can filter the events according to the period and the event type.
Select the line to view additional information about the event. The following events are available to select from:
Intercom is online
Intercom is offline
Intercom is installed
Intercom is not installed
Intercom SIP-server is registered
Intercom SIP-server is not registered
The User actions tab
The User actions tab displays a list of the actions performed by the system administrators with regard to the current intercom.
The events list can be sorted according to:
The selected period
The selected events
The selected user with the administrator role
Select the line to view additional information.
The following events are available for selection:
Add an intercom manually and set basic settings
Reboot an intercom camera
Update a camera on the intercom
Replace an intercom panel
Add an intercom to a group
Remove an intercom from a group
Rename an intercom
Change an intercom matrix commutator
Change an intercom entrance
Change an intercom address (including the entrance)
Change an intercom matrix commutator
Store keys on the intercom
Remove keys from intercom
Update keys for the intercom
Remove all keys from the intercom
Export intercom keys
Import intercom flats
Set the intercom apartment
Change SIP server options for the intercom
Update a camera on the intercom
Remove a camera from the intercom
Add a resource group
Remove a resource group
Add resources to a group
Remove resources from a group
Change the intercom vendor
Change sound settings on the intercom
The door is open from the mobile app
The door is open by the admin
The administrator turned on the intercom successfully
The administrator turned off the intercom successfully
The Analytics events tab
The Analytics events tab contains the events list created upon adding of the analytics resources.
You can filter the events list according to:
The set period
The groups of resources
The selected analytics resources
Each event contains the following information:
An image from the intercom camera
A name of the image
A date and time when the intercom was unlocked
A group the resource belongs to
Select the image to magnify it.
An image is available only for the resources that were added by the current user.