Edit video
All management actions for archived video happen within projects created in the Archive manager section. Each project is a separate workspace environment to manage added video files.
Each project opens in a layout. For more efficient work, you can select a layout with a relevant number of cells that best suits your needs. Layouts consist of cells. Each cell in the layout corresponds to a separate timeline at the bottom of the section. The timeline is labeled with the name and number of the corresponding cell. Video files added to the project are placed on the cell timeline to watch and edit.
Each successfully uploaded file is represented on the timeline by a distinct colored segment. Hovering over this segment displays a tooltip indicating the exact name of the video file.
You can perform the following actions while editing a video file:
Reorder video files. Drag a file to a different cell within a project.
Duplicate a file within a project.
Cut a file fragment.
Delete an entire file from a project.
Manage audio for a file.
Reorder video files
Upon exporting project material from the Archive manager, each layout cell containing a video will be saved as a separate MP4 file. To control the playback order of videos within a cell, use the cell timeline.
You can reorder videos in one of the following ways:
On the cell timeline, left-click the file and drag it to a relevant position. The file can only be moved to an empty space that is long enough to fit.
If you want to include the file in a video within a different cell, drag it to the timeline of the target cell.
Simultaneous multi-file dragging is supported. You can move files both on a single cell timeline and on multiple timelines at once. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and right-click to select all the necessary files. Then release Ctrl. The files will be visually highlighted, as in the image below. With the left mouse, drag all the files at once to the relevant location. To deselect the files, use Esc.
Reordering video files
Duplicate a file within a project
You can duplicate a file on the timeline of a project. Duplicating a file creates an exact duplicate of the video, including all applied settings. Copied files become independent video elements on the timeline that can be edited.
You can only duplicate one selected clip, regardless of how many clips are highlighted. Only the clip under the cursor is copied when multiple clips are selected.
To duplicate a file, follow the steps:
Hover over the video file on the timeline to duplicate.
Press Ctrl and drag the copy with the left mouse to a relevant position on the timeline where you want to place the copy of the file. The file duplicate will be automatically created. The original file remains in its original location.
Cut a file fragment
To cut a file fragment, follow the steps:
Right-click a file on the timeline.
Set the borders for the segment to cut: press and hold the left mouse to set the beginning and the end of the segment. To deselect the fragment, use Esc.
From the bottom toolbar, select the Cut fragment icon.
Cut a file fragment
To save the changes in the project, select the Save button.
As a result, the highlighted fragment will be deleted.
Delete a file from the project
To delete an entire file from the project, follow the steps:
Right-click a file on the timeline to highlight it. To deselect the file, use Esc.
From the bottom toolbar, select the Delete video icon.
To save the changes in the project, select the Save button.
As a result, the selected video file will be deleted from the cell and from the timeline.
Delete a file
Manage audio
For video files with an embedded audio track, you can toggle the sound on or off both when watching the video and when downloading it.
By default, audio is off for files with embedded audio.
To manage audio for files with recorded audio, follow the steps:
Right-click a relevant file on the timeline. This initiates the On/off sound button to manage audio on the toolbar. This icon is displayed only for the files with embedded audio.
Manage audio
Use this button to turn on or off audio.
To save the changes in the project, select the Save button.
You can simultaneously control the sound of multiple files. For this, hold down the Ctrl key and right-click all relevant files. Then release Ctrl. The logic behind the sound control button for multiple video files is as follows:
The On/off sound button becomes available on the toolbar when at least one of the selected files contains embedded audio.
When sound is either enabled or disabled for all selected files, the On/off sound button will display the current sound status of these files. Selecting the button will toggle the sound status of all files to the opposite setting.
When the sound status of the selected files differs, the sound control button will display the On position. When the button is subsequently selected, sound will be turned off for all selected files, unifying their status.
Selecting multiple video files enables simultaneous audio control for all selected files with embedded audio.