The list of layouts
The list of existing layouts in available on the Cameras tab > Layouts.

The Layouts tab
To manually update the list of layouts, swipe down the screen.
From within the action menu of a layout, you can select the management options for a selected layout. To call out the menu, select the vertical ellipses icon (⋮). The following actions are available:
Open a layout – navigates you to the layout player to watch video from cameras.
You can view the list of cameras in a layout by expanding its name.
The cameras in a layout
You can manage cameras from within the layout. To call out the camera context menu, select the vertical ellipses icon (⋮) for this camera in a layout. The following management actions are available for a selected camera:
Rename a camera.
Navigate to the camera settings.
Add a camera to a group.
Add a camera to favorites.
Report a camera issue.
Delete a camera from a layout.

The camera management actions
For a detailed description of management action for a camera, see the Manage cameras in a layout documentation section.