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Downloads. Desktop Client

The «Downloads» section contains a list of generated files that are stored in the system’s cloud storage.


«Downloads» section

Files can be:

  • Download as MP4 file

  • Download as ZIP archive

  • Remove from list

In the cloud storage, the generated files are stored for 3 hours, after which they are deleted. In order for the generated file to be available for downloading, it must be regenerated

When you go to a section, a table with a list of files is displayed. Each line contains information:

  • Creation date – date and time the file was created/added to this section

  • Title – file name. Consists of camera address and camera name

  • Camera – camera name

  • Time – start time of the video recording section

  • Duration – recording duration

  • Download button. After clicking, you should choose in which form to download the file:

    • As an MP4 file

    • As a ZIP archive

  • Delete entry button


To quickly search for files, filters are provided:

  • By period

    • Today

    • in 24 hours

    • in 7 days

    • in 30 days

    • in 365 days

    • for a given period

  • By file status

    • All files

    • Loading files

Filtering is performed automatically after selecting at least one filter.

Downloading a recording

To download a file to your local storage, select it and click the button:

  • Download .MP4 files

  • Download in archive (zip)

You can also download the file through the context menu or using the «Download» button in the file line.

To download multiple files, select the files you need and click the appropriate download button.

In the program settings you can specify the directory to save the exported files. If the directory is not specified, a window for manually selecting a directory will be displayed before downloading.

The download process is displayed in the top line of the table. The «Name» field displays the name of the file.


File download process

The completion of the download process will be notified in the same line, and a PUSH notification will also be displayed on the screen:


File download notification

Click on «Show in Folder» to open the directory where the file was saved.

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