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Analytics. Cameras

The Analytics tab displays a list of analytics types in which the current camera is involved.

Creation and configuration of Analytics cases is performed by a user from their web interface.

The Analytics tab

Information in the table is grouped in the following columns:

  • Type. Specifies an analytics type.

  • Name. Specifies a name of an analytics case.

  • UUID. A stream UUID of an analytics executable file. Selecting it will navigate you to the Analytics section.

  • Status. Specifies the status of the analytics executable stream. For a stream with the Stopped status, a restart button is displayed.

  • Stream UUID. Selecting it will navigate you to the Video Streams tab of the current camera.

  • Cameras status.

  • User. A username of a user who created the analytics case. Selecting the name navigates you to the user card in the Administration > Users section.

    • For a user, selecting their name will navigate you to the card of a user in the Administration > Special users tab.

    • For a sub-user, selecting their name will navigate you to the Sub users tab, where details of a user who added this sub-user are displayed.

On the page, you can perform the following search:

  • By analytics name

  • By analytics type

  • By task UID

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