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The Cameras subsectiоn

In the Cameras subsection, the user can find the list of available to them cameras. They can quickly open a camera on the map or plans for monitoring or management.

The list of the following tools is available in the Cameras section:

Group 9 (11).png


View the list of cameras

Under Cameras, the user can view the cameras available to them.

For a faster navigation:

  • Cameras, associated with a bridge device, are identified with this iconVector.png .

  • Cameras that have an integrated Agent software are identified with this iconimage 44 (12).png .

  • Cameras associated with intercoms are identified with this icon image 35 (17).png .

Add a camera to the map

Cameras can be added to the map both by the administrators from their interface and users. You can add the cameras to the map only if they aren’t on the map yet.

  • The user can’t add a camera to the map if this camera was added to the map by another user or the administrator.

  • The user can add and delete cameras from the map if they have relevant permissions Cameras > Adding a camera to the map. The administrator grants this permission.

You can add a camera to the map in one of the following ways:

  • Drag a camera from the list to the map.

  • Select a relevant action from the camera context menu.

Drag a camera to the map

To add a camera to the map, follow the steps:

  1. Open the map in the Map subsection and select a location on the map, where you’ll place the camera.

  2. From the Cameras list, left-click a relevant camera and drag to the map. The icon of this camera will be displayed on the map. In the camera preview window, you can find the camera management options. For details about how to manage the camera on the map, see the Map documentation section.

Select a relevant action from the camera context menu

To add a camera to the map, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the Cameras section and select the context menu icon () of a camera.

  2. Select Add to map.

image 36 (37).png

Add a camera to the map

  1. In the opened window, specify the camera geographic coordinates or point its location on the map.

  2. To complete the action, select Add.

The camera icon will be added to the map. In the camera preview window, you can find the camera management options. For details about how to manage the camera on the map, see the Map documentation section.

Delete a camera from the map

  • The user can add and delete cameras from the map if they have relevant permissions Cameras > Adding a camera to the map. The administrator grants this permission.

  • The user can’t delete a camera from the map if this camera was added to the map by another user or the administrator.

Users can only delete cameras they've added.

To delete a camera from the map, follow the steps:

  1. Expand the Cameras section and select the context menu icon () of a camera.

  2. Select Delete from map.

  3. Confirm the action by selecting Delete. To cancel the action, select cancel.

image 37 (11).png

The Delete from map button

Show a camera on the map

You can select to view a camera on the map only if this camera is added to the map. To show a camera on the map, select the geolocation icon (Shown on the map) of the relevant camera. As a result, you’ll see a camera icon in the exact location on the map.

In the camera preview window, you can find the camera management options. For details about how to manage the camera on the map, see the Map documentation section.

Show a camera on the plan

A Plan icon is displayed for the cameras that are added to a plan. To show a camera on a plan, select the Plan icon of a relevant camera. When you select the icon, you’ll navigate to the Plans section with the list of the plans where this camera is added. The plan list name is identical to the selected camera name. To open a plan and view the camera, select the plan. On the opened plan, you can view and manage cameras that are added to this plan. For details about how to manage plans, see the Plans documentation section. To return to the selected camera on the map, select the Return icon (←).

image 38 (30).png

The list of plans for the selected camera

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