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Install an ingress controller

Traefik is used as an ingress controller.

All operations will be executed on VM1, unless an alternative is explicitly designated.

To deploy Traefik, follow these steps:

  1. To prepare the configuration files for Traefik, run the script:


Optionally, replace the self-signed certificate with your own certificate (replace the key and certificate files, keeping the same files names: tls.crt and tls.key).

Path to the key and certificate files:

ls -la ../nginx/ssl/

  1. Run the script to install Traefik and wait for completion.


    If completion wasn’t successful, break the script with Ctrl+C and contact the support team.

  2. Check the status of the VMS deployment:

    kubectl get all -n traefik-v2

If you need to update the certificates, add the new certificate and key into ../nginx/ssl/tls.crt and ../nginx/ssl/tls.key respectively and execute the script:


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