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Analytics events (Android, iOS)

On the Analytics tab of the Events section, the mobile app user can view and manage the analytics events. Analytics events are events that occurred within a created analytics case. An analytics case is created by the user through the web interface.

On the Analytics tab, you can find the following event management options:

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The Analytics tab

Each event contains the following details:

  • An analytics type name.

  • Date and time of an event.

  • A camera name.

  • For the Container number recognition analytics type, a recognized container number is specified.

  • For the Face recognition analytics type – the percentage match between a captured image and the reference image; the reference image, and the image captured by the camera at the event.

  • For the License plate recognition analytics type – a recognized license plate, the reference license plate number, and the percentage match between the reference number and the recognized; if the license plate isn’t recognized – only the percentage match between the reference number.

  • The image from the camera captured at the event.

Filter events

You can filter events on the Analytics tab in the following way:

  1. Tap Filters.

  2. On the opened Filters tab, set all relevant filters:

  • A filtering period: Today, Yesterday, Week, 30 days, or tap Period to customize with a specific date range.

  • Under Analytics events filter, tap Add events to additionally set the event filters. On the opened tab, select events to filter. Once the filters are selected, tap Select. To cancel this filter, tap Clean.

  • Under Cameras, tap Add cameras to specify the exact cameras to filter the events. From the opened list, choose cameras and tap Add. To cancel this filter, tap Clean.

  1. Once filters are set, tap Apply filters. Tapping Reset at the top left will clean all the set filters.

View an event in the player

You can open the event in the camera player if the relevant video footage segment is still available in the archive.

To view an event in the player, follow the steps:

  1. In the events list, tap the relevant event.

  2. On the opened tab, select Watch in player.

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Watch in player

  1. As a result, you navigate to the camera player in Archive mode directly to the event. For details on how to view archive footage, see this View camera footage in Archive mode article. If the relevant video footage segment is no longer available in the archive, you’ll see a revenant notification. In this case, you will remain on the Analytics tab.

For intercom cameras with archive viewing restrictions set by the administrator (for more details, see the View and edit an intercom section > the General data tab), archive access is available as follows:

  • For an answered call – 15 seconds before a call, during a call, and 30 seconds after the call is ended.

  • For a call that wasn’t accepted – 15 seconds before a call and 30 seconds after.

  1. To return from the player back to the Analytics tab, use the return icon Back 44pt.png at the top left of the player.

You can also access event’s video in the player via the camera events feed. For details, see the Camera events feed article.

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